You need to take care of your home and all parts of it, just like the window. Perhaps, you might not notice but your windows have something to say. Consider some indications that your window should be replaced. Remember nothing is forever so you have to look out when your windows are about to say goodbye.
1. They’re damaged, warped, or broken
A repair is possible if generally, your window’s problem is not that big. For an instance if the issues are just a need of a new weather stripping or hardware, a repair will do. However if you notice that your windows are drafty, fog up, or they stick every time you close and open them, then the best decision is to replace them with new ones.
2. You want to reduce your energy bill
During winter, windows let sunlight to come inside your house and add some heat. However, drafty windows can actually cause higher bills up to 10% to 25%. So, you have to replace your windows with energy efficient. Also consider the climate and location of your home to suit the kind of window you really needed.
3. Your home needs a makeover
Ugly windows would affect how your home’s appearance would look like. Try to see if your windows are fading, or the material is warping. When selecting new windows, the design is actually important if you are considering the theme or the overall vision of the house. For example you should have large sized windows for aesthetic and health benefits since they add more natural light to enter the interior of the house. Daylight environment promotes comfort and productivity that can be done by using larger windows.
4. You just survived a severe storm
Again, consider your location. If you are living in a place prone to typhoons or extreme weather disturbances, consider your windows to be damaged. While living in a coast with greater winds and humidity would cause more damaged in your windows and specialized windows such as ones made in fiberglass are more suitable to combat the climate.
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